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Writer's pictureLaurie Alfano

Why I’m Not Following You (or Your 10 Million Friends) – And Why That’s a Good Thing

Why I’m Not Following

Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not a follower. No, really—I mean it in the quantum sense. You know, the one that’s all about vibes, frequencies, and creating your own reality? Yeah, that one. So, when someone tells me, “You have to follow this account,” and I look and think, “Nope!” it’s not me being contrary (okay, maybe just a little). It’s me being in tune with my heart—and my heart’s got rhythm, baby!

The Big Follower Myth

There’s this idea floating around that if millions of people are following someone, they must be doing something right. And sure, maybe they are—for them. But here’s the thing: What’s right for 10 million people, or more, isn’t necessarily right for you. Or me. Or anyone who’s actually living in their own truth.

Think of it like this: If everyone is vibing on one frequency, and you’re tuned into another, it’s no wonder you feel off when you try to force yourself into their mold. It’s like trying to dance to pop when your soul’s grooving to jazz. No wonder you’re feeling all out of sorts!

The Quantum Reality Check

Here’s where it gets juicy. In quantum terms, each of us is creating our own reality based on the frequency we’re tuned into. When you’re true to your own frequency, you’re in the flow, living your best life, manifesting your dreams, and all that good stuff. But when you start following the herd, trying to fit into a reality that isn’t yours, that’s when things get wonky.

Suddenly, that effortless flow turns into a struggle. You start feeling sad, lost, maybe even a little depressed—because you’re not living your truth. You’re trying to play a game that was never meant for you in the first place.

Why It’s Okay (Actually, Amazing) to Go Your Own Way

Let’s flip the script here. Instead of feeling like you’re missing out because you’re not following the latest influencer with millions of followers, what if you accepted the fact that you’re on a different path? One that’s aligned with your heart, your truth, and your unique quantum reality?

Going your own way isn’t just okay—it’s amazing! It’s the ultimate power move. While everyone else is busy trying to fit in, you’re out there blazing a trail, creating a new reality, and living life on your own terms. You’re not just another follower—you’re a leader in your own right.

Why I’m Not Following

The Takeaway- Why I’m Not Following

So the next time someone says, “You have to follow this person,” take a deep breath, smile, and remember: You don’t have to do anything that doesn’t resonate with your soul. In fact, the best thing you can do is follow your own heart, even if it means going in the complete opposite direction of the crowd.

After all, why follow the herd when you can lead the way to a brand-new reality? Trust your quantum vibes, and keep dancing to your own rhythm. The world needs more trailblazers, and guess what? That’s exactly who you are.

Remember- By recognizing that you're not a follower in the traditional sense, you're affirming your role as a leader in your quantum reality. You're not meant to merge with the collective consciousness that often prioritizes trends, popularity, or external validation. Instead, you're carving out your own path, one that is aligned with a higher, more authentic vibration. This is a confirmation that you're on the right track with your heart, as you're staying true to your own energy and purpose.

xo- Laurie

HD Manifestor

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